Package buoy.event

Interface Summary
WidgetEvent This interface defines an event generated by a Widget.

Class Summary
CellValueChangedEvent A CellValueChangedEvent is generated when the user edits the value in a cell of a BTable.
CommandEvent This event represents a user action that issues a command, such as pressing a button or selecting a menu item.
DocumentLinkEvent A DocumentLinkEvents is generated when the user clicks on a hyperlink inside a BDocumentViewer.
EventProcessor This class allows you to use anonymous inner classes as event handlers in unsigned applets and other situations where a SecurityManager prevents use of the AccessibleObject API.
EventSource An EventSource is any object that can dispatch events.
FocusGainedEvent This is an event corresponding to a Widget gaining keyboard focus.
FocusLostEvent This is an event corresponding to a Widget losing keyboard focus.
KeyPressedEvent This is an event corresponding to a key on the keyboard being pressed.
KeyReleasedEvent This is an event corresponding to a key on the keyboard being released.
KeyTypedEvent This is an event corresponding to a Unicode character being generated by the user interacting with the keyboard.
MouseClickedEvent This is an event corresponding to the mouse button being pressed and released.
MouseDraggedEvent This is an event corresponding to the mouse being dragged inside a Widget.
MouseEnteredEvent This is an event corresponding to the mouse entering a Widget.
MouseExitedEvent This is an event corresponding to the mouse exiting a Widget.
MouseMovedEvent This is an event corresponding to the mouse being moved inside a Widget.
MousePressedEvent This is an event corresponding to the mouse button being pressed.
MouseReleasedEvent This is an event corresponding to the mouse button being released.
MouseScrolledEvent This class defines an event caused by rotating the scroll wheel on a mouse.
RepaintEvent A RepaintEvent is generated by certain Widgets (including CustomWidgets and many WidgetContainers) whenever a portion of it needs to be repainted.
SelectionChangedEvent SelectionChangedEvents are generated by Widgets that allow the user to select part of their contents, whenever the selection changes.
ToolTipEvent This event indicates that the user has performed the series of actions which signal that a tool tip should be displayed.
ValueChangedEvent ValueChangedEvents are generated by Widgets that allow the user to enter a value, whenever the value changes.
WidgetFocusEvent This class defines an event caused by a change in whether a Widget has keyboard focus.
WidgetKeyEvent This class defines an event caused by a keyboard action.
WidgetMouseEvent This class defines an event caused by the mouse interacting with a Widget.
WidgetWindowEvent This class defines an event caused by the user interacting with a window.
WindowActivatedEvent This is an event corresponding to a window becoming the active window.
WindowClosingEvent This event indicates that the user is attempting to close a window, such as by clicking on its close box.
WindowDeactivatedEvent This is an event corresponding to a window ceasing to be the active window.
WindowDeiconifiedEvent This event indicates that a window has been deiconified by the user.
WindowIconifiedEvent This event indicates that a window has been iconified by the user.
WindowResizedEvent This event indicates that a window has been resized by the user.

Written by Peter Eastman.